

beauty rant: my breakup with winged liner.

I will proceed this by saying, take everything below with a grain of salt.

There are no rights and wrongs when it comes to makeup and your personal style. 

All photos are of me and my work to show that yes, I am guilty of this too.

Now let the rant begin.

While I enjoy a good cat eye as much as the next diva..

My relationship with winged liner ends here.

Well, maybe ends is not accurate (because I do love it). But, I am trying to make a point people.

Do you (like so many of us) find your self saying,

"Ahhh who cares it will look better once I put my liner on anyways."

Come on, those of us who have perfected the winged liner trick have allllll said this to ourselves.

Enough is enough. 

I was so angry when I noticed I was saying this, and decided to challenge my self by putting my wings down.

You should take pride in your work.

It should be tidy and well blended enough to stand on its own.

Please understand, liner is not a bad thing (while winged liner is going out of style at the moment btw).

Liner can be a great thing, whether its liquid, gel, kajal, or what have you.

But!!! Let it be a tool for you to add drama and dimension. 


If you feel naked walking out of the house with out those wings...

Girl... it's time. Put them down.

While I will definitely enjoy sporting the occasional killer wing,

I have taken this step out of my daily routine in order to challenge myself.

And I have to say, it feels good.

I dare you to try it.

Even just for a day or a week.

End rant.

Let me know what you think on any of my social media platforms (&follow!) below.

Please tag me in any photos of your looks with out winged liner.

I would love to see what you come up with!

instagram: @gnomebusiness
twitter: @mc_gnomeski